What if a

Solo Road Trip Could Change Your Life?

WonderBing Travel helps women move forward in confidence and hope as they create a personal journey of freedom and wonder.

Contact Me

Stop watching the world go by

  • Do you feel stuck?
  • Do you worry you've been passed by or left behind?
  • Are you losing your sense of adventure and creativity?
  • Are you allowing fear to keep you from trying new things?

A road trip sounds intriguing, but ...


It feels overwhelming.  And let's face it - you may be a little scared.

Where do you even start?

HERE!  You start RIGHT HERE.

I get it.

I understand what it's like to feel stuck, to struggle with confidence and courage.  I wanted - I needed - to try something new, but was paralyzed by doubt, fear, and confusion. 

I desperately wanted to do something that would inspire me to see clearly again.

So I took a road trip. By myself.

Every mile slowly moved me forward into a life of freedom and hope and confidence.

And now, 50,000+ miles later . . .

I lead others to create fulfilling personal journeys

Adventures that help you find your way forward as you find your place in this big beautiful world.

I've written a guide just for solo travelers

"There's Wonder Around the Bend: An Inspiring Guide for Solo Road Tripping" will be ready for pre-order in Spring 2024!

WonderBing Travel equips you to

* Journey confidently on your own

* Encounter the wonder and glory of God's creation with eyes wide open

* Take your time: to explore, to rest, to rejuvenate, to wander with purpose

* Reacquaint yourself with YOU

Your Steps to Freedom and Wonder

1. Schedule a Call

I'm happy to make time for you!  Let's chat and determine your best path towards achieving your goals.

Schedule a Call

2. Do the (fun!) work

Whatever form our work together may take,  you'll be learning all you need to set yourself up for freedom, wonder, and a healthy dose of self-discovery.

3. Start that engine!

You're ready to seek freedom and wonder.  You've done all the things.  Time to buy the snacks, pack the car and get on the road.  Grand adventure awaits!

I'm Bing, founder of WonderBing Travel

and this is Lexi the Golden, my frequent road tripping sidekick. 

I know you’re looking to make a positive change in your life – one that moves you closer to peace and joy.  And dare I say adventure

It all sounds great, but your old friends fear and doubt are keeping you from taking that next step.  You don’t feel as though you’re brave enough, adventurous enough.  Maybe you’re worried about cost or time.  All this doubt is enough to send you straight back to the safe confines of your couch. 

I believe – I know – a solo female road trip can change your life.  I also know the thought itself can be a bit scary, even when you’re ready to move forward. 

That’s where WonderBing Travel comes in.  As an experienced traveler and solo road tripper, I can help you move from wander to wonder.  From feeling lost and uncertain to confident, content, and courageous!   

But how?  I'm so glad you asked.  Let's get started now!

 Find the Way Forward that Fits Your Needs

Move out of fear and uncertainty and into freedom and wonder.

Read the Guide!

Coming in Spring 2024, "There's Wonder Around the Bend:  An Inspiring Guide to Solo Road Tripping" provides both inspiration and practical tools to move you from daydreamer to confident explorer. 

One-on-One Coaching

If you'd like to work with me individually, I do work with a handful of clients at a time to ensure you have  what you need to get from the couch to a full-blown journey of freedom and wonder.  We can customize our time together to meet your specific areas of need.

Small Groups

We were designed for community!  Join a small group of like-minded women all working to find their way forward.  Engage with new friends as you prepare your hearts, minds, and maps for solo adventure.

Event Speaking

Kickstart your journey in person!  I am available to speak to your group for retreats and events.  Topics include "Fear and Doing It Anyway" and "Out of Stuck and into Drive".  Optional break-out sessions/curriculum are available. 


Get the juicy bits - and all the stuff you didn't know you didn't know

Snack-sized insight and inspiration (and the occasional view of the zanier side of solo road tripping).  It's not all smooth roads and cute coffee shops! 

You're safe with me. I'll never spam you or sell your contact info.


Stories from my personal journeys

When you just want to be inspired from the comfort of home.  Enjoy personal stories from my coast-to-coast adventures. 

Clearing the Fog
On Top of the World

Come on.  Get off that couch!

Let's get started.  Wonder is just around the bend.

Contact Bing