Planning Your Road Trip Route Jul 22, 2024


“Instead of trying to fit this day into a preconceived mold, relax and be on the lookout for what I am doing.  This mindset will free you to enjoy Me and to find what I have...
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Road Trip Tips and Gear for 2024 Jul 15, 2024
We have a duty to live every moment the best we can.  I mean, really live it.  Even if it means getting hurt.  Because otherwise, what’s the point?  We mustn’t let...
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Creating a Road Trip Budget You Can Love Jul 08, 2024
“A budget isn't about restricting what you can spend. It permits you to spend without guilt or regret.” Once again, know that budgeting habits increase your freedom, power, and ease in...
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Building your Treasure Map Jun 27, 2024

 Wherever you are, be all there. - Jim Elliot

 Over the long winter and early spring, I have tucked away all the little inspirations and ideas that have crossed my path—they...

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